
Diverse Methods of Marketing Research and

Their Applications: A Guide to Business Success


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In the previous article, we discussed the purpose and importance of marketing research in detail. By capturing market voices accurately and understanding consumer needs, you can build a foundation that supports your business growth. Marketing research is a powerful tool that underpins this process.

What marketing research methods are currently available? And how are they useful in different business scenarios? Marketing research can be broadly categorized into two main types: “qualitative research” and “quantitative research.” Each of these methods has its own strengths and applicable scenarios. Additionally, desk research is effective as a supplementary information-gathering method.

In this article, we will introduce the characteristics and benefits of each type of marketing research and specific applicable scenarios. This will help you choose the most suitable research method for your business challenges and develop more effective strategies.


Types of Marketing Research

Marketing research can be categorized primarily into two main types: "qualitative research" and "quantitative research." Each research method has unique characteristics and advantages, and it is crucial to use them appropriately, depending on the situation.
The primary data obtained from "qualitative research" and "quantitative research" requires manual data collection, which can be time-consuming and costly. However, this effort can yield new unique information that only some know, allowing you to acquire valuable yet widely unavailable data.


In marketing research, it is efficient to review secondary data through desk research first and then collect any missing information as primary data.


Quantitative Research

Quantitative research is a method designed to gather data in the form of numbers or objective indicators by having respondents choose from predefined options. This method enables extensive data collection and works well when collecting objective facts. Below are some commonly known methods of quantitative research:


  • Internet Research: This method involves collecting data by having eligible respondents complete surveys online. It is cost-effective, requires less effort, and can be conducted in short-term research, making it the mainstream method for quantitative research today.

  • Mystery Shopping: This involves sending researchers disguised as customers to stores or other service locations to evaluate service quality, staff behavior, and other aspects. It offers the advantage of capturing actual service conditions.

  • Face-to-Face Interviews: This method involves researchers visiting respondents at their homes or workplaces to conduct interviews. The advantage of this approach is that it allows for the presentation and discussion of actual products or advertisements during the interview.

  • Mail Surveys: This involves sending questionnaires to respondents by mail, which they complete and return. It is beneficial for reaching older generations who may not use the internet.

  • Automated Telephone Surveys: This method uses an automated voice response system to conduct surveys. Respondents follow voice prompts and press keys to provide answers. It allows for rapid data collection without human intervention.

  • Omnibus Surveys: This method involves multiple companies adding their questions to a shared survey, thus distributing the data collection costs between them. Each company receives responses to its specific questions only. It is cost-effective and allows for quick data collection.


Qualitative Research

Qualitative research is a method where respondents are allowed to express themselves freely, and their words are the data themselves. This approach works well when you want to understand consumers' emotions, opinions, and reasons for their behavior or when you want to explore complex issues that are difficult to quantify or the motivations behind consumer actions. Below are some representative methods of qualitative research.


  • Focus Groups: This method involves conducting a discussion session where participants talk about a specific theme, and opinions and ideas are collected. It typically involves 6 to 8 participants in a group with a moderator facilitating the discussion.

  • Depth Interviews: This method involves a one-on-one interview between the respondent and the interviewer. It allows them to dig into topics that may be difficult to discuss in front of a larger group.

  • Observational Research: This anthropological method involves observing the subjects' natural behavior and activities in their environment. Cameras and recording devices are set up in sales areas to conduct interviews while watching the footage or documenting and analyzing observed behaviors.


Specific Application Scenarios and Examples

Marketing research plays a crucial role in a wide range of business scenarios. Below are some specific application scenarios and examples.


Automotive Industry Marketing Research Case Study

  • Research Objective: Measure the PR effectiveness of a taxi dispatch app
  • Research Type: Quantitative research (20 screening questions + 5 main survey questions) with monthly fixed-point surveys
  • Research Target: Men and women aged 20 and over. 2,000 responses for the main survey
  • Research Period: 3 days

Screening questions are included in the questionnaire to group "taxi users" by area.

The survey examines first recall acquisition and usage of the dispatch app to investigate the effectiveness of PR activities by age and area. You can assess the promotional effects by comparing them with past results.

While some information cannot be conveyed fully through text alone in the questionnaire, including logo images, videos, and links to service sites ensures accurate data collection.

IT Industry Marketing Research Case Study

  • Research Objective: Brand image survey of a cloud service
  • Research Type: Quantitative research (10 screening questions + 15 main survey questions)
  • Research Target: Men and women aged 20 to 69, 1,000 responses for the main survey
  • Research Period: 2 days

The survey aims to clarify the image of the product, brand, and company using a questionnaire, thereby understanding the accurate status of the company in the market.


Toward Future Success

Net research is a highly effective method to deeply understand consumers and aid in product development and customer acquisition. GMO Research & AI supports strategic decision-making for your business challenges. For detailed information or consultations, please feel free to contact us.

Beginner's Guide to Successful Online Survey


Using online surveys is a quick and cost-effective way to understand your target consumer and build right strategies.




Marketing research methods Qualitative vs quantitative research Applications of marketing research Benefits of online surveys Marketing research case studies