GMO Research & AI, Inc. (“we” as following) understands that following the privacy policy is an important social responsibility imposed upon us, and is indispensable to gain trust of our company and to promote business activities.

We carefully consider proper management / utilization of personal information, and provide “privacy policy” as following for observation.

GDPR Privacy Policy 

GMO Research & AI Privacy Policy

Establishment 5.1.2007
GMO Research & AI, Inc.
CEO Shinichi Hosokawa

We understand our social responsibility and observe the law related to protection of individual rights and information. We proclaim that we establish the management system of privacy policy for the realization of following policies, and that we make every effort to continuously establish recognizing trends of the newest IT technologies, changes of social request and the alteration of management environment.

  1. We acquire, use and provide personal information for only the necessary range of accomplishment of our proper research business, employment and personnel management. We do not use the personal information for other purposes beyond the establishment of specific use.
  2. We observe the law, guidance established by the government, and other standard related to privacy policy.
  3. We cram the management resources matched with the fact of duties by establishing rational safety plan to prevent the risk of leakage, loss, and damage of personal information, and continuously develop the security system of privacy policy. Also, in case of emergency, we correct it promptly.
  4. We respond quickly and honestly to complaints and concerns about privacy policy.
  5. The privacy policy management system continuously promotes its improvement in appropriate time and with an appropriate method, recognizing the alteration of the environment surrounding our company.

This policy is sent to all of our employees to understand and is placed on our website and brochures for anyone to be able to view.

That is all folks

【Privacy Policy Contact Information】

□Administrative Headquarter Privacy Policy Inquiry
26 – 1 Sakuragaoka-cho Cerulean Tower Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-8512

□InfoQ Privacy Policy Contact Information
Privacy Policy Representative : GMO Research & AI, Inc. Info Q Secretariat
26 – 1 Sakuragaoka-cho Cerulean Tower Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-8512
Contact form

Handling Privacy Policy

  1. Name of the company
    GMO Research & AI, Inc.
  2. Name, occupation, division or address of the manager (or agent)
    Manager : Privacy Policy Management Representative
    Division : Administrative Headquarter
    Contact : +81 3 5459 5565
  3. Privacy Policy Purpose of Use
    Classification Purpose of use
    Member information For collecting survey for research business and providing services
    Stock Holder Information For releasing information to public, sending production of distribution and communication
    Company Information For negotiation and business contact, order receiving and shipping duty, and payment of the bill
    Employee Information For personnel management, duty management, health management and security management
  4. Sharing personal information with third parties
    We do not share our client’s information with third parties except for the cases following:

    (1) When you agree

    (2) In accordance with law
    Example: in case of handling personal information in accordance with the statement such as an arrest warrant issued by court or a lawyer.

    (3) When we have difficulty to contact you in case of need of protection of your life, health and property.
    Example: in case of sudden illness and other emergency situation, to provide your blood type or contact information of your family to a doctor and nurse.

    (4) When we have a difficulty to contact you in case of necessary purpose of public health improvement and bringing up healthy children.
    Example: in case of exchanging information of the truant between the relevant organizations to cope with his/her trouble activities cooperating with a consultation office of children, school and medical organizations.

    (5) In case of necessity to help national organizations, local public organizations and individuals who received entrustment to promote duties established by law and may be affective after receiving your agreement.
    Example: When an agent submits personal information for voluntary research of a tax collector.

    (6) In case of entrusting all or part of personal information in necessary range for achievement of purpose of use to promote the business smoothly.
    Example: in case of shipping a gift certificate to a member.
  5. Entrustment of handling privacy policy
    We entrust a part of our business to third parties to provide better services to you when we manage our business. We possibly entrust personal information to them. In this case, we choose the parties that are handling personal information properly, and we have them make a decision of necessary matters to have an appropriate management preventing leakage of private information by proper management and observation of secrecy.
  6. Request of releasing personal information
    You can contact us to ask for releasing of personal information ( notice of purpose of use, releasing, correction/addition/deletion of contents, stop of use or erase, cancel providing to a third party). In this case, we will confirm with you and process it in rational period. Our contact information is the following.
  7. Options of providing personal information
    It is optional for you to release your personal information. However, in case of lacking of required provisions, we cannot provide each service in proper condition.
  8. In case of getting personal information with the method you cannot easily recognize.
    Cookie is for your convenience to see our website when you re-visit. Therefore, it doesn’t hurt your privacy or damage your computer. We are using SSL(secure socket layer) for the place to put your personal information on our website. We also have firewall settings for protecting information on our website. However, please understand that we cannot guarantee the perfect security, because of the character of internet communication.
  9. About the authorized privacy policy organization
    There are no organizations we join.

【Privacy Policy Contact Information】

Administrative Headquarter Privacy Policy Inquiry
26 - 1 Sakuragaoka-cho Cerulean Tower Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-8512

InfoQ Privacy Policy Contact Information
Privacy Policy Representative : GMO Research & AI, Inc. Info Q Secretariat
26 - 1 Sakuragaoka-cho Cerulean Tower Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-8512
Contact form


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