
The Optimal Use of

Quantitative and Qualitative Research


agile research


Marketing research success relies on selecting the most appropriate research methods based on the research objectives. This article will explore the advantages and disadvantages of quantitative and qualitative research and discuss scenarios where each technique is most applicable. By understanding this, you will be able to collect the necessary data and translate the research findings into concrete actions.


What is Quantitative Research?

Quantitative research is a technique to gather and analyze data that can be presented clearly with numerical values such as brand or product awareness, purchase and repeat rates, and customer satisfaction.
Since quantitative research enables quantifying the data collected easily, it is useful for numerical analysis, facilitating decision-making, and comprehending results. This approach is particularly effective for aggregating statistical data, such as comparing findings over time. 
The purposes of quantitative research include "fact-finding research," which examines product purchase rates and the image of products or services, and "hypothesis testing," which verifies hypotheses the researcher assumes.
"Hypothesis testing" and "factual investigation" can sometimes be conducted simultaneously.


Advantages and Disadvantages of Quantitative Research

Quantitative research allows for acquiring numerical data and statistical analysis, and it is easy to implement at a low cost. However, it requires strong data analysis skills.


  • Statistical Analysis
  • Low Implementation Cost
  • Broad Range of Survey Targets


  • Requirement for Data Analysis Skills
  • Challenges in Extracting Deep Insights


Methods of Quantitative Research

There are several methods for quantitative research, and choosing the appropriate method on the type of data you wish to obtain. Listed below are some representative quantitative research methods.

  • Internet Research: Conducting surveys online allows for quick and cost-effective data collection.
  • Central Location Testing (CLT): Participants are invited to a specific location to try products or view advertisements, enabling immediate in-depth questioning.
  • Home Use Test (HUT): Participants use the product for a certain period to evaluate and assess their experience.
  • Mail Surveys: Surveys are sent by mail to collect data from various demographics.


What is Qualitative Research?

Qualitative research involves gathering responses and opinions through direct interactions with participants.
The primary method is through interviews, and depending on the subject and questions, either one-on-one or group interviews are conducted. 
Qualitative research is conducted through dialogue between the researcher and the respondent. By probing deeper into the responses, it captures challenging aspects to quantify, helping to uncover hidden consumer needs.
The purposes of qualitative research include "understanding the consumer," which involves interpreting consumer intentions; "identifying areas for improvement," which provides insights for enhancing a company's products; and "hypothesis building,“ which  consists of anticipating consumer opinions.


Advantages and Disadvantages of Qualitative Research

Qualitative research can provide insights into consumer emotions and behaviors, but it has some drawbacks. It is challenging to set the target participants, and the results require thorough analysis by the researchers to be effectively utilized.


  • Deep Exploration of Consumer Awareness and Emotions
  • Understanding Behaviors Beyond Big Data


  • Determining if data held by the participant is appropriate or not 
  • Inability to Quantify Collected Data


Methods of Qualitative Research

There are several methods of conducting qualitative research, most of which involve face-to-face interactions with service users or product consumers. Below are the ways to conduct qualitative research.

  • Group Interview: Multiple participants gather for a discussion-style session, allowing for the collection of diverse opinions from various perspectives.
  • In-Depth Interview: A one-on-one format between the researcher and the participant to explore individual opinions in depth.
  • Behavioral Observation Research: The researcher accompanies the participants during their product purchase or service usage to observe their behavior.
  • Home Visit Observation Research: The researcher visits the participant's home to observe and verify their usage of products or services.


Selecting the Appropriate Research Method

The key to selecting the appropriate research method is clearly defining the "research objectives and the areas that need to be understood about the target audience.

Use Quantitative Research for Hypothesis Testing and Qualitative Research for Understanding Subconscious Needs
The primary role of quantitative research is to visualize consumer behavior and attitudes as precise numerical data. Therefore, quantitative research is often conducted when there is a need to test hypotheses about consumer needs or to understand feedback and dissatisfaction regarding a company’s products.
On the other hand, the primary role of qualitative research is to analyze the latent needs within consumers' subconscious, providing insights for product improvement or generating new ideas.


Combining Quantitative and Qualitative Research

Using both qualitative and quantitative research together can be beneficial depending on market research objectives.

Build Hypotheses with Qualitative Research and Validate with Quantitative Research
Quantitative research is generally used to obtain data on the usage of a company’s products and consumer perceptions. By conducting qualitative research first to build hypotheses and then carrying out quantitative research, it is possible to achieve a more accurate study that aligns with consumer perceptions.

Visualize Structure with Quantitative Research and Further Explore Quality with Qualitative Research
Quantitative data can be helpful to update hypotheses, and through qualitative research interviews, researchers can identify ways to improve products or services and gather information on new ideas.


Find the Right Research Method for Your Objectives

There are many approaches to marketing research, but it’s crucial to select the appropriate method based on the data you need and your objectives. Even if your research goals or the data you want to collect are unclear, contact GMO Research & AI. Our experts will suggest the best research method tailored to your needs and guide you toward success.

Beginner's Guide to Successful Online Survey


Using online surveys is a quick and cost-effective way to understand your target consumer and build right strategies.




market research online research Quantitative reserch Qualitative reserch Right reserch Central Location Testing Home use test Mail survey