Find Your Audience

Bridging You to Engaged Target Consumers

An online research panel is a group of individuals who have agreed to participate in surveys conducted over the Internet.

GMO Research & AI offers one of the largest online research communities in the Asia-Pacific region. Our expansive multi-country online research panel network, the Asia Cloud Panel, connects you with real-life consumers globally, helping you gain a clear understanding and uncover critical insights about your target audience.

Why Choose Our Source

Large Network in Asia-Pacific

With over two decades of experience in the market research industry and extensive regional expertise, we engage with over 65 million real-life consumers, making us a large research panel network in the Asia-Pacific region. This extensive reach ensures precise targeting options for your research needs.

Agile and Cost-Efficient

No matter how niche, our expansive network provides you with a flexible sampling approach, precise targeting options, and swift turnaround times. Our exclusive focus on in-house operations, without involving third-party vendors, allows us to offer the most competitive pricing.


We continuously fine-tune our systems to uphold our data quality standards and ensure the robustness of our online survey platform. Our quality control measures detect and eliminate survey fraud, bots, and ghost completes, ensuring we deliver impartial and representative research outcomes.

Our Scale

With our diverse profile attributes, you can easily pinpoint your ideal audience,
whether you require niche or larger sample sizes.


across 16 markets in Asia-Pacific.


Profiles to find the targeted audience for your Asian research.


Consumer surveys we conducted worldwide last year.


Consumer insights we collected through surveys annually.


Partner companies
we collaborate worldwide.

No.1in Japan

We hold a 67% market share as a consumer panel provider in Japan.

No.9in the world

We hold a 2% market share worldwide with top-tier data quality.


Easily reach specific or hard-to-access attributes to meet your Asian research needs.


Age / Gender / Residence / Ethnicity / Income / Education / Marital Status / Children


Occupation / Job Title / Type of Industry / Company Size / Role in Decision-Making


Owner of Cars / Body Type / Brand / Number of Cars at Home / Purchased Year of the Car


Devices / Game Categories / Frequency of Playing


Doctor / Nurse / Patient / Conditions Ever Experienced


Cigarettes / Beverage & Alcohol / Pets / Home Appliances / Financial Assets / SNS / & more!

…There are lots more!

How Are Our Research Panels Formed?

GMO Research & AI's online research panel consists of two distinctive networks:

Proprietary Members

We have built our own membership network, which we manage through our in-house rewards program/app, ensuring the quality of responses.

Alliance and Partnerships

We have partnered with approximately 300 businesses across the Asia-Pacific region that operate membership loyalty programs, expanding our network.

Well-managed online research panels allow for faster response rates, high-quality responses,
and the generation of powerful insights.

Recruitment for Qualitative Research

For successful qualitative market research, reliable panelists form the foundation, both for online and offline methods. If you're in search of candidates for your qualitative research fieldwork, our recruitment survey service will assist you.

Focus Group



Location Test

Usage Test

For further questions or inquiries, contact us now!


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