
GMO Research is now publicly

listed on Tokyo Stock Exchange


GMO Research has become publicly listed on Mothers (market of the high-growth and emerging stocks) operated by the Tokyo Stock Exchange as of October 21st, 2014.

We would like to thank all our clients, partners, and stakeholders that have made this opportunity possible.

GMO Research started the Internet research business in May 2005 as part of the GMO Internet Group and reorganized within the Group in 2006. Now it has been 9 years since the company was established.

Our mission is to use state of the art technology to create “Asia’s Number 1 Marketing Solution Platform” to “Transform the World of Marketing.”

As a publicly listed company, GMO Research will commit more than ever to client and partner expectations by driving our main products “Asia Cloud Panel” and “GMO Market Observer.” Our commitment is to provide smiles and sensations to our stakeholders, contribute to society, and increase corporate value.

Investor Relations information can be found from the link below:
Tokyo Stock Exchange

Inquiries regarding the IPO can be directed to the following:
GMO Research, Inc.
Contact: Kyoko Kuwabara
TEL: 03-5962-0037


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