
2024 Gaming Insights:

Emerging Markets and Player Trends


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The Asian gaming market, projected to reach $14.74 billion in 2022 and $14.99 billion by 2031, is garnering global attention for its scale and growth potential. However, the gaming markets within Asia are diverse, with each country and region exhibiting unique trends and adoption rates, necessitating tailored approaches.

Against this backdrop, GMO Research & AI conducted a survey from June 24 to June 30, 2024, targeting general consumers in emerging gaming markets such as Vietnam, Thailand, and Singapore.

In this first part, we will provide an in-depth analysis of the gaming behaviors of users playing mobile games, AR games, eSports, and NFT games in these countries.

Click here for Part 2 


*From here on, any mention of "games" will refer to mobile games, AR games, eSports, and NFT games.



Analyzing consumer trends related to games in each country, the following key features were observed;

  • Game-playing experience in the past six months: It has become clear that mobile games are the most played game category among the three countries. On the other hand, in Singapore, the percentage of respondents who answered "None of the above" is the highest, indicating a high potential for attracting new player segments in the future.

  • Frequency of gameplay: Consumers in Thailand exhibited the highest overall gameplay frequency, with many individuals playing games 4-5 times per week. This trend was evident across various game categories, highlighting the consistent engagement of Thai consumers with games.

  • Factors prioritized when selecting games: Across all three countries, the factors "Gameplay enjoyment (fun and novelty of gameplay)" and "Quality of graphics and music (graphics quality, game music, and sound effects)" were most prioritized. This trend was particularly evident in Thailand.


Characteristics of Each Country

  • ​​​​​​Game-playing experience in the past six months: In the past six months, the order of game categories with the most players was mobile games, eSports, AR games, and NFT games. Mobile games were the most played across all three countries, with an average of 76.2%. On the other hand, NFT games had the fewest players, averaging 11.3%, with Singapore having the lowest percentage at 8.2%. Additionally, the percentage of respondents who answered "None of the above" was the lowest in Vietnam (13.4%), indicating that Vietnam had the highest overall proportion of game players.

Game experience.png


Mobile Games: In Singapore, 48.8% of respondents reported playing mobile games, the lowest among the three countries. This lower rate is likely due to fewer male and female players in their 40s than the other two countries.
AR Games: Singapore had the highest rate of AR game players, with 11% having experience. The most active groups were females aged 10-20 (14.8%) and males aged 10-20 (13.5%). In contrast, AR games had the lowest experience rates in Thailand and Vietnam, particularly in Vietnam, where only 6.5% of respondents had played AR games.
eSports: Vietnam led in eSports participation, with 23.5% of respondents having experience. Across all three countries, males were more likely to play eSports, with an average experience rate of 23.3%.
NFT Games: Singapore had the lowest rate of NFT game players, with only 5.8% having experience. In Thailand and Vietnam, more males than females reported playing NFT games.


Gameplay experience in the last 6 months.png


*Click on image to enlarge

  • Game-playing frequency in the past six months by category: Thai consumers demonstrated the highest overall gameplay frequency. For mobile games, 45.7% reported playing "Almost every day." Even in categories other than mobile games, many consumers played "4-5 times a week." Conversely, consumers in Singapore and Vietnam exhibited lower play frequencies than those in Thailand. The most common response for almost all game categories besides mobile games was "About once a week."


Frequency of play in each game category in the last 6 months.png


*Click on image to enlarge

  • Primary purposes for playing games: Across all countries, the primary purposes for playing games were "To relieve stress" (average of 19.6% across the three countries), "To have fun" (average of 18.6%), and "To relax" (average of 14.6%). In Thailand, there was a notable preference for "To enjoy interesting stories or characters," with this response being approximately 5 points higher than in the other two countries. This indicates that game content and characters are of relatively higher importance for Thai players.


  • Game-playing timing
    ○ On weekdays, respondents in all countries commonly played games "Before going to bed" and "During relaxation time at home." In Vietnam, a notably higher percentage (34.9%), approximately 15-20 points more than the other two countries, reported playing "During breaks (between work or study sessions)." This suggests Vietnamese consumers frequently play games as a break from work or study. Conversely, in Singapore, a higher percentage (17.9%) reported playing "While commuting," indicating a strong tendency to enjoy games during commute times. These differences likely reflect variations in daily routines and commuting environments among the countries.
    ○ Although there was more variation in percentages regarding weekend gaming habits, the most common playing times remained consistent with weekdays. "Before going to bed" and "During relaxation time at home" were the top responses, suggesting that lifestyle and leisure time preferences also influence weekend gaming habits.


  • Most Common Digital Platforms for Viewing Game Ads: The most frequently encountered platform for game-related ads across all three countries was "Social media," with an average of 47.2%. This was followed by "Video streaming services," averaging 17.4% across the three countries. However, in Vietnam, "News sites/apps" were more commonly cited, with 17.5% of respondents noting this platform, surpassing "Video streaming services." In Singapore, 8.9% of respondents indicated that they "Hardly ever see ads on any digital platform," which is about 8 points higher than in the other two countries. This suggests that fewer game ads are posted in Singapore, or the ads may be using formats or methods that are less recognizable as ads.


  • Primary Sources of Information: Across all countries, "Social media (X/formerly Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc.)" was the most common source of information, averaging 39%. This was followed by "Video streaming services (YouTube, Twitch, etc.)," with an average of 17.1%. In Thailand and Vietnam, "Dedicated gaming websites or blogs" also showed high percentages, averaging 17.7% across these two countries. Conversely, in Singapore, "In-game advertisements" (16.8%) surpassed "Video streaming services" as a primary source of information, indicating that more users in Singapore rely on in-game ads for information about new games.


  • Factors Considered When Choosing Games: Across the three countries, "Gameplay enjoyment" (average of 28.3%) and "Quality of graphics and music" (average of 21.4%) were the most important factors when choosing games. Thailand particularly emphasized "Gameplay enjoyment," with the highest value at 40.8%. In Singapore, other significant factors included "Recommendations or reviews" and "Price." In Thailand, "Preferred genre" was also a notable factor, while in Vietnam, "Preferred genre" is  important. This indicates that while commonalities exist in the factors considered when choosing games across these countries, the emphasis on specific elements varies. Particularly in Singapore, price and reviews are highly regarded, whereas in Vietnam, the genre and storyline of the game are more critical.


Top 3 Factors to consider  when choosing a game.png


  • Monthly Spending on Games: In all countries, "No spending" was the most common response, with an average of 43.8%. This percentage was approximately 7 points lower in Thailand, at 36.7%, indicating that Thai consumers are more inclined to spend money on games. The most frequent spending amounts were 5.01 SGD - 20 SGD (3.71 USD - 14.81 USD) in Singapore, 101 THB - 500 THB (2.77 USD - 13.72 USD) in Thailand, and 1 VND - 200,000 VND (0.01 USD - 7.81 USD) in Vietnam. These results suggest that Thai consumers are more willing to spend on games than other countries, while in Singapore, there is a significant mid-tier spending group. In Vietnam, lower spending amounts are more common.


Insights for Strategy Formulation Based on Market Data

Considering these characteristics, let’s explore business strategies to target high-game engagement demographics.

  • Promotion Strategies Leveraging Target Market Characteristics: In Singapore, strategies could include developing games and content that players can enjoy in short bursts during commute times. In Vietnam, strategies involve developing story-rich games and introducing new features and content that provide a relaxing gameplay experience. It is crucial to accurately understand each country's characteristics and reflect them in promotional efforts.

  • Monetization Strategies Based on User Spending Behavior:

○ Microtransactions for low-spending users: Offering a wide range of items and content that can be purchased for small amounts, conducting frequent sales and campaigns, and increasing in-game advertising revenue to generate income from non-paying users could be effective for consumers in Singapore and Vietnam, who may feel a higher barrier to spending on games. 

○ Premium content for high-spending users: For consumers in Thailand, who are relatively more willing to spend on games, providing premium memberships, exclusive items, and bonuses can improve satisfaction among high-spending users. Offering special events and VIP experiences could maximize revenue from these users.


Conclusion: The Role and Value of Marketing Research

In this article, we focused on game players in Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam, highlighting the trends in gaming habits within each market. Marketing research is an indispensable tool for profoundly understanding user needs and behavior patterns and formulating business strategies. By clarifying the critical points of consumer behavior in each country, companies can devise more effective business strategies and take specific actions toward success.

Consult GMO Research & AI to leverage the power of marketing research and enhance your competitiveness in the global market. With a strategic approach based on survey data, we can work together to achieve your business success.

In the next installment, we will explore the interests and potential of non-gamers in relation to gaming.

Read the next part here.

Survey Theme: Southeast Asia Gaming Survey
Survey Regions: Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam
Survey Participants: 360 men and women aged 15-49 (120 by each country)
Survey Period: June 24, 2024 - June 30, 2024
Survey Method: Internet survey (closed survey)

Southeast Asia game market 2024 game market insights game consumer behavior Southeast Asia gaming industry Southeast Asia consumer trends gaming game marketing strategies

Unlock In-Depth Consumer Preferences Report!

Survey Report

This survey also revealed that the elements for game enjoyment varied by category. For example, in AR games, "visual appeal (graphics)" is commonly enjoyed in all countries. However, in some countries, "physical activity and movement elements" are most highly valued. To learn more about consumer preferences in each game category, download the full report below.

Download Survey Report


We have curated insightful infographics offering a brief glimpse into the evolving game market trends in Asia. Feel free to download them here if you'd like to learn more.


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