Brand Research: A Marketing Research Solution for Branding (Part 2 – Survey Methods)

Brand Research: A Marketing Research Solution for Branding
(Part 2 – Survey Methods)
Brand research should be understood to be one of the most effective solutions for companies to understand consumer behavior, improve branding, and enhance brand awareness. The previous article introduced the three main types of brand research. In the following paragraphs, various marketing research methods recommended for brand research, such as online surveys, will be explained in detail with their pros and cons.
Five Methods for Conducting Brand Research
Brand research can be conducted either by a marketing company or in-house. This section is going to introduce five specific methods for brand research.
1. Internet Research (Online Surveys)
Internet research, also known as web research or online surveys, is a method conducted via the internet. It is one of the most commonly used methods for surveys because it is easy and inexpensive to implement. Online surveys are particularly valuable in brand research, as it enables companies to gather insights on consumer perception, brand awareness, and preferences across diverse demographics quickly and efficiently.
- Can be conducted at low cost and in a short time
- Easy to collect a large number of samples
- Easy to narrow down the conditions for respondents
- Easy to add visual information to the questionnaire (e.g., brand logos, advertisements for feedback)
- Limited to respondents who use the internet
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2. Interview Surveys
An interview survey is a method in which the researcher conducts a survey in a conversational format with the target respondent. It allows the researcher to capture non-verbal cues such as facial expressions, gestures, and nuances that may not be evident in written responses. During an interview, a brand researcher can dive into why a consumer prefers one brand over another, identifying emotional triggers or personal experiences that shape their loyalty.
The two typical types are one-on-one depth interviews and group interviews with multiple respondents. Recently, online interviews have become more common.
Easier to obtain more specific responses
Easier to explore the background of the answers (e.g., understanding the emotions and context behind a consumer's preference for a particular brand)
In group interviews, you can gather responses from multiple people at once
Costly and time-consuming
In group interviews, respondents may feel hesitant to share their true feelings due to the presence of others or may be influenced by bias
A Comprehensive Guide to Navigating Online Interviews
3. Mail Surveys
A mail survey is a method in which questionnaires are mailed to the target respondents, who are asked to return the completed questionnaires by mail. In brand research, mail surveys can be effective for reaching specific demographics that may be less inclined to participate in online surveys. Additionally, product samples could be included in the mail to gather feedback on new product lines or branding changes, making it a valuable tool for product testing as part of brand research.
- No need for interviewers, so costs can be reduced
- A longer questionnaire would also be acceptable since respondents can answer at home.
- Product samples can be sent along with the survey
- Takes time to collect responses
- Postage costs are incurred
- The response rate may be low
- Time-consuming to digitize the responses
4. Street Surveys
Street surveys involve researchers going out into public areas, selecting target respondents, and conducting the survey on the roadside or in commercial facilities. This method can be employed to gather quick insights on brand awareness or to understand how effectively outdoor advertising, such as billboards, resonates with passersby in a specific location.
- No need to prepare a venue, so costs can be kept low
- Respondents burden is reduced since they can answer on the spot
- Useful for gathering real-time, location-specific feedback on brand campaigns or in-store experiences
- Securing a suitable survey location can take time
- The survey results may be biased depending on the location and time of the survey, which may affect the representativeness of brand perception data
- The number of questions you can ask is limited, which could restrict the depth of brand research insights
5. Social Listening
Social listening is a method of collecting and analyzing information from consumer posts on social media platforms like X and Facebook, review sites, blogs, and online forums. This method is particularly valuable for assessing how a brand is discussed online and how viral certain campaigns, product launches, or public relations efforts are.
- You can hear real opinions from customers
- High immediacy, making it easy to measure the effectiveness of campaigns and advertisements
- Unstructured data like comments, slang, and hashtags used on social media can be difficult to analyze
- There may be a bias in respondents depending on the platform Relying too much on opinions from social media and the internet may result in the loss of product or service uniqueness
Conducting a Tracking Survey
A tracking survey is a method in which specific respondents are selected from the target audience, and the same survey is repeatedly conducted with different groups over a set period.
In brand research, conducting an online survey from the perspective of tracking helps record changes in brand awareness or customer satisfaction. This helps you to measure the impact of campaigns or advertisements in real-time, allowing timely adjustments to marketing strategies.
Step-by-Step Guide to Conducting Effective Tracking Surveys
Easy Start Option for Your Brand Research
While choosing the correct brand research method is crucial for obtaining effective information, the importance of utilizing various analyses methods throughout the research process should not be overlooked. The next article will explore analysis models and frameworks commonly used for brand research.
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