
What Can You Expect From 6G Technology


Image by Athitat Shinagowin on Shutterstock

What can the world expect from the upcoming revelation of 6G?

6G technology is expected to bring about a new era in the technological revolution after its 2030 launch. The first instalment in our 6G series highlighted that 6G technology will offer users a significantly boosted top speed that is almost 10–20 times faster than current 5G, and decreased latency. These, among other improvements, will evolve its usage beyond the scope of mobile frameworks. So what can 6G technology be applied to, and how do users stand to benefit from it?

While 6G technology is still in its research and development stages, countries and businesses have already started to make headway towards becoming pioneers of this sought-after advancement. It is still too early to confirm what 6G can ultimately offer. However, with the growth of technological advances such as the Metaverse, NFTs, and the like, 6G is predicted to make a massive impact in the augmented reality/virtual reality (AR/VR) worlds, making it a much more immersive experience.

As such, 6G could potentially blend the virtual and physical worlds to create what is known as extended reality (XR). This will enable the probable usage of holographic technology for seamless communication, redefining wearable devices, mobile phones, and their interaction processes, and enhancing artificial intelligence in the AR/VR/XR industries. Such technology will result in a world that is even more interconnected. For example, a student in South Korea may, through a holographic presence, sit in on a class in Germany without leaving his home in Seoul, or a doctor from Singapore may heavily assist in a live medical procedure in India through seamless artificial intelligence technology.

6G is also expected to play a significant role in advancing the Internet of Things and big data. Research has been done to deploy 6G in the integration of space–air–ground–sea interconnectivity, which can provide seamless, real-time data to enhance the information that its users receive. In one projected scenario, this form of interconnectivity will bring plans for automated vehicles and vehicle platooning to life, which will transform the way traffic is regulated, thus reducing congestion, enhancing road safety, and more. High-speed information transmitted through space–air–ground–sea interconnectivity, through satellites, sensors, etc, will allow for such industry advancements. Beyond the scope of the automotive industry, 6G technology can also be deployed in the development of smart cities, bolstering national security, space exploration endeavours, and more.

From a business perspective, 6G technology can redefine how a business operates, regardless of industry. The adoption of this technology can allow for a broader customer base, streamlined processes, and more. For example, a clothing store in Paris could allow a customer from China to be holographically present in their physical store, taking the shopping experience steps onward from the existing virtual shopping experience that some companies offer. On the other hand, the commercial use of 6G technology will give users an enhanced experience, whether it is in the AR/VR/XR worlds or through seamless information acquisition.

The scope that 6G may offer users appears to be vast and limitless. However, the necessary infrastructures need to be in place for these projected expectations to become reality. It is crucial that a sophisticated form of cybersecurity is put in place and that governments worldwide work together, through bills and reforms, to ensure that this form of interconnectivity enhances the quality of life of its users, rather than impeding it.

*Stay tuned for our upcoming 6G series to find out more about the latest developments in this technology.

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