GMO Research, Inc. (CEO: Shinichi Hosokawa; hereinafter referred to as GMO Research) is contributing by making access to its consumer panel network “Asia Cloud Panel” (covering 33 million consumer panelists across 15 countries and regions in APAC(*1) ) free of charge(*2) for market research projects aiming to prevent the spread of Covid-19. We are accepting eligible research projects that matches the conditions described below, from April 15, 2020 until the end of May(*3) .
Initially, free access will start from seven markets - Japan, China, Taiwan, India, Vietnam, Thailand, and Myanmar and plans to gradually expand depending on the needs in the market.
(*1) As of January 2020
(*2) Extra charges may apply for translation or additional aggregation of data
(*4) The period may be extended

Conditions for open access to ASIA Cloud Panel
Access to GMO Research’s ASIA Cloud Panel will be provided free of charge to groups that satisfy all of the following conditions
- Conditions for Open Access
- The resulting data can be published.
- It is non-profit.
- The ownership of the data from the survey is uncontested and resides with the parties submitting the survey. *
- Helps prevention of the spread of novel coronavirus.
- The questionnaire will be submitted by the end of May 2020.
* The data is owned by GMO Research and any reports and survey results based on collected data are owned by its authors.
Please contact us using the details below for more information.
Inquiries about Open Access
- GMO Research, Inc.
Global Division: Mr. Edson Ruiz